
microservice framework

Kevin Wang · Mon, Jun 25, 2018 Last modified 2020-11-01 · 5 min read 877 Words Permalink · Repo

As the amount of projects I have worked on grew, I noticed that many requirements were similar if not identical across them. Not only was rewriting code tedious every time I needed a similar feature, but also remembering how to back-port new implementations for existing features as I learned more about the corresponding subjects was tedious. This often involved (and for my older projects this is still the case) viewing diffs among various commits for the new feature to determine how the implementation changed. The process is bug-inducing and frustrating, as often contained within those diffs are patches for project specific quirks and differences. This is far from ideal when the feature in question can compromise security, such as user authentication.

As a result, solving these issues became the motivation for this project, Governor. Governor is a framework in Go for quickly building microservices needed for running a website with many common requirements such as user management already implemented as services out of the box.

Design #

I knew that the code that I would write would always be destined to change as I learned and grew as a developer, as I painfully learned from experience. To resolve this issue, if there is one thing my Operating Systems professor taught us, it is to make clearly defined interfaces and to isolate services. Thus to facilitate these guaranteed future refactors, I adopted the Unix philosophy for each of my services. Each is highly isolated—depending only on the interfaces of other services. Furthermore those dependencies are made explicit with constructor based dependency injection. While this leads to a nontrivial amount of boilerplate, it can always be resolved in the future with code generation. Most importantly, the upfront cost has already helped me locate and fix many inter-service bugs as I know clearly where one service ends and another begins.

Features #

Here is a brief summary of the most important features (in no particular order of importance):

Message queue #

Services can communicate with one another using a NATS message queue set up with the project. The message queue is durable, backed by Postgres, to ensure guaranteed delivery across unexpected restarts. Every message broadcasted can be configured to be delivered to all consumers or to only a single consumer in the case of a work queue. The message queue enables Governor to scale to multiple nodes in order to address load and availability concerns. Furthermore, any load spike can be easily handled through placing more jobs on the queue.

Storage #

There are in-built wrappers around Postgres, Redis, and Minio (based on the S3 protocol) services that can be launched along with Governor. They handle relational data, caching, and object storage respectively. I chose these services both for their reliability and the amount of support they receive both from their maintainers and the community. These services expose interfaces, however, and as a result can be easily swapped out by their dependent services with alternative implementations if necessary.

To help write and maintain the SQL for relational models in Postgres, I have also started a parallel project, Forge, intended for use with Governor though it does not have any dependencies on Governor itself. Forge is a code generation utility that generates SQL and functions from structs with tagged fields. Code generating frequently changing SQL helps reduce errors due to the lack of types.

Mail #

An SMTP client and mail workers allow mail to be sent to any SMTP server. The interface accepts simple strings, which allow anything to be sent. The mail service is used frequently in the user service in cases such as password reset and new login notifications. It leverages the message queue service so that any caller does not have to wait for the mail to finish sending before continuing. This also gives the mail service the benefit of having the same load handling characteristics as mentioned before.

User Management and Authentication #

User Management is the oldest and original service I began working on in Governor. It takes inspiration from many of my previous projects for organizations such as LA Hacks, UCLA ACM, and UCLA DevX, and is continuing to grow as I add more common use cases. The user service uses JWT access and refresh tokens to manage sessions. It also handles password hashing and reset, permissions and roles, and many other user tasks.

Refactoring #

Refactors have occurred many times as demands changed, and better implementations arose. Using Go for this project has enabled me to easily adhere to interfaces and write new service implementations. Having a compiler check simple type errors allows me to refactor with confidence, which was never the case when I built similar previous projects in languages like Javascript on the NodeJS platform. Thus far, I have refactored the user role and permissions engine multiple times, and all the database models as I introduced Forge into the project. These refactors of core components were only made possible with the service oriented architecture of Governor.

At over two years old, Governor has been my longest standing project. It currently powers the LA Hacks Tech platform, and some of UCLA DevX’s internal tooling. I have many more plans for it as I continue to learn and improve my web development skills.

microservice go web backend

Kevin Wang

Web dev and engineer. Experiences decision fatigue daily.